ThinIO, here comes something incredible

Well we’ve been busy! Very, very busy. In the next week you will see the culmination of two years work on a product we’re about to release called ThinIO.

Cast your mind back if you will to some ramblings and napkin math I devised some time ago in my series on IOPS negation strategies:




In these post’s a bunch of community guys  ( Barry SchifferIain BrightonIngmar VerheijKees BaggermanRemko Weijnen and Simon Pettit) devised a cunning plan during E2EVC to see if we could counter the monotony of IOPS and their devastating impact on Virtual Desktop implementations. We threw together a loose test scenario where we could demonstrate how technology from Microsofts Windows Embedded Standard functionality EWF (Extended Write Filter) and Citrix’s XenServer intellicache with explosive performance and IO reduction statistics.

This blog series got way more attention than we possibly hoped and judging by citrix’s response by adding ram caching and disk overflow in Citrix provisioning services… we were definitely listened to. At the end of the series, I elluded to a technology that could be leveraged to achieve some of this, while right, it has taken along time to get right! With the help of our newest collaborator David Coombes, this technology is very much alive and ready for use.

Here’s the kicker:

Next week at Citrix Synergy, we’re dropping some big news for this market, we’re releasing a product that will deliver insanely fast IOPS to any storage utilising inexpensive RAM. With our product, no architecture change is required, no san volume dependencies, no expensive hardware upgrades and no hypervisor gotcha’s. ThinIO works with all major desktop virtualisation products like XenApp, XenDesktop, VDI in a Box, Microsoft Remote Desktop technologies and even VMware Horizon View!

ThinIO is just a simple installation and off you go. Not only will this product reduce, standardise and improve the speed of IOPS, it will also optimise and reduce boot storms dramatically.

Register for XenAppBlogs webinar here where we’ll discuss how ThinIO works for the first time or come visit us in Citrix Synergy (Booth 513) to celebrate the culmination of 2 years of work and learn how ThinIO is performant, reliable and an extremely cost effective method to deliver lightning fast experience to your users while protecting your disk storage from grinding to a halt.

Watch this space.

Register for Xenappblogs webinar with ThinScale Technology for the official launch of ThinIO


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