2020 Remote Working Summit

ThinScale had the pleasure of sponsoring 2020’s Remote Working Summit by Customer Contact Strategies last week.  Customer Contact Strategies is the brainchild of Michele Rowan and it brings together people in the industry to discuss ideas, experiences, and technologies around Work at Home (WaH). Due to Covid-19, the event was adapted for online and was done completely virtually, through Zoom. 

Given the rapid move to work at home recently, unsurprisingly a lot of the summit was focused on home working.  The cost-benefit and general physical safety of remote work featured a lot and we heard  case studies from Prime Therapeutics, Alliance Data, Comcast, Progressive Insurance, Unum and Hyatt on their experiences with remote working, thought leadership discussions with AmplifAI, Dizzion, Comcast, Noble Systems and Austin Radiological Association.

The summit also showcased some technologies devoted to remote working including technologies focused on enhancing the productivity  WaH can offer such as AmplifAI, other technologies focused on improving the experience of agents in the virtual workplace such as Walkabout Workplace, and of course, on business continuity, which ThinScale Technology held an hour-long breakout session on.  

Our breakout session was focused entirely on business continuity as the result of COVID 19 and the likelihood of its recurrence. Brendan Kiely, CEO and Andrew McNeile, CCO, shared first-hand accounts of expatiated WaH deployments, the changing landscape of work at  home and what Business Continuity is going to look like in the future.  

Read The Good, The Bad and the Ugly of Work at Home

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